// your answers
After learning from the existing solutions, I found no answer of this challenge for me, cause I think it's not a good challenge. Though there are good points to learn:
What's the flaws of this challenge IMO?
to cast the index, which is not safe for useri
is used in a for-loop with statements like i < ...
and i++
, i
must be a number, not a symbol or other type, so the solution choose to(has to) make it a more concrete number. but this is a leak of abstraction, no matter how magic/secrete the concrete number is, it is a concrete number, so user may find it in editor, just write the raw number instead of i
to mock the index, and other code may treat the i
as the concrete number and somehow breaks other aggreetments. In a word, it's not good to use a concrete number to replace the original number
type.Thanks for this challenge and the points learned from it.
Solution by zhaoyao91 #23450
type Secrets = [
type UniqIndex<S> = ToSecretsUion<BitString<S>>
type ToSecretsUion<BS, SS=Secrets, ACC=never>
= SS extends [infer S0, infer S1, ...infer TS]
? BS extends `0${infer R}` ? ToSecretsUion<R, TS, ACC | S0>
: BS extends `1${infer R}` ? ToSecretsUion<R, TS, ACC | S1>
: never
type BitString<S, ACC extends string = ''>
= S extends `${infer L}${infer R}` ? BitString<R, `${ACC}${CharToBS[keyof CharToBS & L]}`> : ACC
type CharToBS
= CharToBS_Helper<"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_$">
type CharToBS_Helper<CS, BS='0000000', ACC={}>
= CS extends `${infer L}${infer R}`? CharToBS_Helper<R, AddBit<BS>, ACC & Record<L, BS>> : ACC
type AddBit<S>
= S extends `${infer R}1` ? `${AddBit<R>}0` : S extends `${infer U}0` ? `${U}1` : never
function assertArrayIndex<A extends readonly any[], K extends string>(
array: IsTuple<A> extends true ? never : A,
key: K) : asserts array is typeof array & Record<'key', UniqIndex<K>> & Record<UniqIndex<K>, A[number]> {}
type IsTuple<T extends readonly unknown[]> = number extends T['length'] ? false : true
type Index<A> = A[keyof A & 'key']
Solution by okayu29 #17791
// 构造数组
type BuildArray<N extends number, A extends unknown[] = []> = A['length'] extends N ? A : BuildArray<N, [...A, unknown]>
// 映射字母,用于计算字符串的hash值
type HashMap = {
a: BuildArray<1>
b: BuildArray<2>
c: BuildArray<3>
d: BuildArray<4>
e: BuildArray<5>
f: BuildArray<6>
g: BuildArray<7>
h: BuildArray<8>
i: BuildArray<9>
j: BuildArray<10>
k: BuildArray<11>
l: BuildArray<12>
m: BuildArray<13>
n: BuildArray<14>
o: BuildArray<15>
p: BuildArray<16>
q: BuildArray<17>
r: BuildArray<18>
s: BuildArray<19>
t: BuildArray<20>
u: BuildArray<21>
v: BuildArray<22>
w: BuildArray<23>
x: BuildArray<24>
y: BuildArray<25>
z: BuildArray<26>
// 将哈希字符串转为哈希值
type Hash<HashString extends string, HashArray extends unknown[] = []> = HashString extends `${infer F extends keyof HashMap}${infer rest}`
? Hash<rest, [...HashArray, ...HashMap[F]]>
: HashArray['length']
// 当HashString不为空时,依次判断每个字符是否符合HashMap的key值
type IsHashKeyHelper<HashString extends string> = HashString extends `${infer F}${infer rest}`
? F extends keyof HashMap
? IsHashKeyHelper<rest>
: false
: true
// 当HashString为空时,返回false
type IsHashKey<HashString extends string> = HashString extends '' ? false : IsHashKeyHelper<HashString>
declare const KEY: unique symbol
// 给数组 A 的类型挂载一个唯一的哈希值symbol => hashKey,以及哈希值对应的数组元素类型,hashKey => A[number]
function assertArrayIndex<A extends readonly unknown[], HashString extends string>(
array: number extends A['length'] ? A : never, // 判断 A 是否是只读元组,是的话 A['length'] 会返回具体数字,则 array: never
hashString: IsHashKey<HashString> extends true ? HashString : never, // 判断 hashString 是否是有效的哈希字符串
): asserts array is (number extends A['length'] // 如果 A 是只读元组, 则断言 array 为 never 类型
? A &
{ readonly [KEY]: Hash<HashString> } & // 暂存 A 的哈希值, 在 Index 工具函数中取出
{ readonly [hashString in Hash<HashString>]: A[number] } // 访问 A[Index],若 Index 为 hashKey, 则能正确访问
: never)
{} // 函数体
// 取出Array的哈希值,作为遍历的索引变量的类型,这样后续访问 A[Index]
type Index<Array extends { readonly [KEY]: number }> = Array[typeof KEY]
Solution by wzp-coding #17338
// your answers
type Dictionary =
't':'20','u':'21','v':'22','w':'23','x':'24','y':'25','z':'26', 'A':'27','B':'28',
'U':'47','V':'48','W':'49','X':'50','Y':'51','Z':'52', '1':'53','2':'54','3':'55',
'4':'56','5':'57','6':'58','7':'59','8':'60','9':'61'} ;
type Digits =
'9':[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] ;
} ;
type UnPack<
S extends string> =
S extends `${infer R extends keyof Digits}${infer U extends string}`
? [...Digits[R],...UnPack<U>]
: [] ;
type Hash<
Input extends string,
Increment extends readonly any[]=[],
Container extends readonly any[]=[],
> =
Input extends `${infer R extends keyof Dictionary}${infer U extends string}`
? Hash<U,[...Increment,R],[...Container,...UnPack<`${Dictionary[R]}${Increment['length']}`>]>
: Container['length'] ;
declare function assertArrayIndex<
A extends readonly any[],
Key extends string,
>(arr: number extends A['length'] ? A : never, key: Key):
asserts arr is (typeof arr)&{[J in Hash<Key>|'key'] : J extends 'key' ? Hash<Key> :A[number]} ;
type Index<
T extends readonly any[]> =
T['key'&keyof T] ;
Solution by justBadProgrammer #16981
type Letters = {
a: "10";
b: "11";
c: "12";
d: "13";
e: "14";
f: "15";
g: "16";
h: "17";
i: "18";
j: "19";
k: "20";
l: "21";
m: "22";
n: "23";
o: "24";
p: "25";
q: "26";
r: "27";
s: "28";
t: "29";
u: "30";
v: "31";
w: "32";
x: "33";
y: "34";
z: "35";
type Hash<S extends string, O extends string = ""> = S extends `${infer L}${infer R}`
? Hash<R, L extends keyof Letters ? `${O}${Letters[L]}` : O>
: `-${O}` extends `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never;
function assertArrayIndex<A extends readonly any[], K extends string>(
array: number extends A["length"] ? A : never,
key: K,
): asserts array is number extends A["length"]
? A & Record<Hash<K>, A[number]> & { (): K }
: never { }
type Index<A> = [A] extends [() => any] ? Hash<ReturnType<A>> : number;
Solution by teamchong #11642
// your answers
type HashMapHelper<T extends number, R extends unknown[] = []> = R['length'] extends T
? R
: HashMapHelper<T, [...R, unknown]>
type HashMap = {
'0': HashMapHelper<0>
'1': HashMapHelper<1>
'2': HashMapHelper<2>
'3': HashMapHelper<3>
'4': HashMapHelper<4>
'5': HashMapHelper<5>
'6': HashMapHelper<6>
'7': HashMapHelper<7>
'8': HashMapHelper<8>
'9': HashMapHelper<9>
a: HashMapHelper<1>
b: HashMapHelper<2>
c: HashMapHelper<3>
d: HashMapHelper<4>
e: HashMapHelper<5>
f: HashMapHelper<6>
g: HashMapHelper<7>
h: HashMapHelper<8>
i: HashMapHelper<9>
j: HashMapHelper<10>
k: HashMapHelper<11>
l: HashMapHelper<12>
m: HashMapHelper<13>
n: HashMapHelper<14>
o: HashMapHelper<15>
p: HashMapHelper<16>
q: HashMapHelper<17>
r: HashMapHelper<18>
s: HashMapHelper<19>
t: HashMapHelper<20>
u: HashMapHelper<21>
v: HashMapHelper<22>
w: HashMapHelper<23>
x: HashMapHelper<24>
y: HashMapHelper<25>
z: HashMapHelper<26>
type Hash<T extends string, RR extends unknown[] = []> = T extends `${infer L}${infer R}`
? Hash<R, [...RR, ...HashMap[keyof HashMap & L]]>
: RR['length']
type IsKeyHelper<K extends string> = K extends `${infer L}${infer R}`
? L extends keyof HashMap
? IsKeyHelper<R>
: false
: true
type IsKey<K extends string> = K extends '' ? false : IsKeyHelper<K>
declare const KEY: unique symbol
function assertArrayIndex<A extends readonly unknown[], K extends string>(
array: number extends A['length'] ? A : never,
key: IsKey<K> extends true ? K : never,
): asserts array is number extends A['length']
? A & { readonly [KEY]: Hash<K> } & {
readonly [key in Hash<K>]: A[number]
: never {}
type Index<Array extends { readonly [KEY]: number }> = Array[typeof KEY]
Solution by ZangYuSong #7058
type Ord
= {a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5,f:6,g:7,h:8,i:9,j:10,k:11,l:12,m:13,n:14,o:15,p:16,q:17,r:18,s:19,t:20,u:21,v:22,w:23,x:24,y:25,z:26}
type Make<N, A extends any[] = []>
= A['length'] extends N ? A : Make<N, [[], ...A]>
type Hash<S, A extends any[] = []>
= S extends `${infer L}${infer R}` ? Hash<R, [...Make<Ord[keyof Ord & L]>, ...A]> : A['length']
function assertArrayIndex<A extends readonly any[], K extends string>(
array: number extends A['length'] ? A : never,
key: K
) : asserts array is (number extends A['length'] ? A & {key: Hash<K>} & {[P in Hash<K>]: A[number]} : never) {}
type Index<Array> = Array[keyof Array & 'key']
Solution by okayu29 #6292
type Num = ReadonlyArray<0>;
type N0 = readonly [];
type N1 = readonly [0];
type N2 = readonly [0, 0];
type N3 = readonly [0, 0, 0];
type N4 = readonly [0, 0, 0, 0];
type N5 = readonly [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
type N6 = readonly [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
type N7 = readonly [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
type N8 = readonly [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
type N9 = readonly [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
* Sum<N3, N4> = N7.
type Sum<N extends Num, M extends Num> = readonly [...N, ...M];
type NA = Sum<N9, N7>;
type NI = Sum<NA, Sum<N9, N5>>;
type NP = Sum<NI, Sum<N9, N8>>;
type NX = Sum<NP, Sum<N9, N4>>;
type Codes = {
' ': N7;
a: Sum<NA, N1>;
b: Sum<NA, N2>;
c: Sum<NA, N3>;
d: Sum<NA, N4>;
e: Sum<NA, N5>;
f: Sum<NA, N6>;
g: Sum<NA, N7>;
h: Sum<NA, N8>;
i: Sum<NI, N1>;
j: Sum<NI, N2>;
k: Sum<NI, N3>;
l: Sum<NI, N4>;
m: Sum<NI, N5>;
n: Sum<NI, N6>;
o: Sum<NI, N7>;
p: Sum<NP, N1>;
q: Sum<NP, N2>;
r: Sum<NP, N3>;
s: Sum<NP, N4>;
t: Sum<NP, N5>;
u: Sum<NP, N6>;
v: Sum<NP, N7>;
w: Sum<NP, N9>;
x: Sum<NX, N1>;
y: Sum<NX, N2>;
z: Sum<NX, N3>;
* KeyToNum<'ab'> = N74.
type KeyToNum<Key extends string> = Key extends ''
? N0
: Key extends `${infer L}${infer Rest}`
? L extends keyof Codes
? Sum<Codes[L], KeyToNum<Rest>>
: never
: never;
* IsArray<[0]> = false, IsArray<string[]> = true.
type IsArray<A extends readonly unknown[]> = number extends A['length'] ? true : false;
* IsKey<'ab x'> = true, IsKey<'key!'> = false.
type IsKey<Key extends string> = Key extends ''
? false
: KeyToNum<Key> extends never
? false
: true;
declare const KEY: unique symbol;
declare const CODE: unique symbol;
* WithIndex<string, 'foo'> = object with key index 'foo'.
type WithIndex<
Key extends string,
KeyCode extends number = KeyToNum<Key>['length']
> = KeyCode extends never
? never
: {
readonly [KEY]: Key;
readonly [CODE]: KeyCode;
} & {
readonly [K in KeyCode]: Element;
* Index<typeof indexedArray> = index of indexedArray.
type Index<A extends { readonly [CODE]: number }> = A[typeof CODE];
* assertArrayIndex(arr, 'foo') assert that arr is array with key index 'foo'.
function assertArrayIndex<A extends readonly unknown[], Key extends string>(
array: IsKey<Key> extends true ? (IsArray<A> extends true ? A : never) : never,
key: Key,
): asserts array is IsKey<Key> extends true
? IsArray<A> extends true
? A & WithIndex<A[number], Key>
: never
: never {}
Solution by uid11 #946