

type Concat<T extends any[]|readonly any[], U extends any[]|readonly any[]> = [...T,...U];

Solution by lephuthuc2001 #34712

// your answers
type Concat<T extends readonly unknown[], U extends readonly unknown[]> = [ ...T, ...U ];

Solution by zeyuanHong0 #34707

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by Git-I985 #34704

type Concat<T, U> = T extends readonly any[] ? U extends readonly any[] ? [...T, ...U] : never : never

Solution by nathan2slime #34661

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by Hailey0930 #34637

type Concat<T extends readonly unknown[], U extends  readonly unknown[]> = [...T,...U]

Solution by DevShinnThant #34547

// your answers

Solution by DevShinnThant #34546

// 여기 풀이를 입력하세요
type Concat<T extends readonly unknown[], U extends readonly unknown[]> = [...T, ...U];

Solution by LeeKangHyun #34462

type Concat<T extends readonly unknown[], U extends readonly unknown[]> = [...T, ...U]

// Note that: readonly is only permitted on array and tuple literal types ⇒ it means that it doesn’t work with generic like Array<unknown>

Solution by binhdv155127 #34443

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U];

Solution by ktim816 #34425

// your answers
type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by gobielJonathan #34398

type Concat<T extends readonly unknown[], U extends readonly unknown[]> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by rookie-luochao #34360

type Concat<P, Q> = [
  ...P extends any[] ? P : [P],
  ...Q extends any[] ? Q : [Q],


Solution by wxh-cyber #34346

We just use the spread Operator. But we should check T and U extends readonly unknown[] because of [...] as const inputs.

type Concat<T extends readonly unknown[], U extends readonly unknown[]> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by dev-jaemin #34329

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U]; 


Solution by wxh-cyber #34324

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by bkdragon0228 #34321

type Concat<
  A extends unknown[],
  B extends unknown[]
> = [...A, ...B]

Solution by souzaramon #34268

// 你的答案

type Concat<T extends readonly unknown[], U extends readonly unknown[]> = [...T,...U]

Solution by W-fitTiger #34248

// 你的答案
type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T,...U]

Solution by Hadias94 #34216

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by quitone #34194


JavaScript의 Array.concat 함수를 타입 시스템에서 구현하세요. 타입은 두 인수를 받고, 인수를 왼쪽부터 concat한 새로운 배열을 반환해야 합니다.


type Result = Concat<[1], [2]>; // expected to be [1, 2]


type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U];

array의 spread method를 사용하여 어렵지 않게 해결할 수 있었습니다!


/* _____________ 여기에 코드 입력 _____________ */

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U];

/* _____________ 테스트 케이스 _____________ */
import type { Equal, Expect } from "@type-challenges/utils";

const tuple = [1] as const;

type cases = [
	Expect<Equal<Concat<[], []>, []>>,
	Expect<Equal<Concat<[], [1]>, [1]>>,
	Expect<Equal<Concat<typeof tuple, typeof tuple>, [1, 1]>>,
	Expect<Equal<Concat<[1, 2], [3, 4]>, [1, 2, 3, 4]>>,
			Concat<["1", 2, "3"], [false, boolean, "4"]>,
			["1", 2, "3", false, boolean, "4"]

Solution by adultlee #34124

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U];

Solution by ProvorovOleksii #34079

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U]```

Solution by ouzexi #33970

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T,...U]

Solution by vuongle2609 #33934

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by hanseulhee #33874

type Concat<T extends readonly any[], U extends readonly any[]> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by notsecret32 #33862

type Concat<T extends Readonly<Array<unknown>>, U extends Readonly<Array<unknown>>> = [...T,...U]

Solution by d0422 #33814

type Concat<T extends Tuple , U extends Tuple> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by okasyun #33775

type Concat<T extends readonly unknown[], U extends readonly unknown[]> = [...T, ...U]

Solution by veralex #33755

type Concat<T, U> = T extends readonly any[]
  ? U extends readonly any[]
    ? [...T, ...U]
    : never
  : never

Solution by laplace1009 #33706