

type Permutation<T,K = T> = T[] extends never[]?[] : K extends K ? [K, ...Permutation<Exclude<T,K>>] : never 

Solution by bananana0118 #32784

// It's copy+paste, but I understand the logic after wasting 30 minutes of my life.
type Permutation<T, K = T> =
    [T] extends [never]
      ? []
      : K extends K
        ? [K, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, K>>]
        : never

type perm = Permutation<'A' | 'B' | 'C'>;
// ['A', 'B', 'C'] | ['A', 'C', 'B'] | ['B', 'A', 'C']
// | ['B', 'C', 'A'] | ['C', 'A', 'B'] | ['C', 'B', 'A']

Solution by ZhulinskiiDanil #32683

type Permutation<T, K = T> = 
    [T] extends [never]
      ? [] 
      : K extends unknown
        ? [K, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, K>>] 
        : never
  1. ์œ ๋‹ˆ์–ธ ํƒ€์ž…์ด ๋ฐฐ์—ด์˜ ์›์†Œ๋กœ ๋“ค์–ด๊ฐ€๋ฉด ๊ฐ๊ฐ์˜ ์œ ๋‹ˆ์–ธ ํƒ€์ž…์— ๋งž๊ฒŒ ์—ฌ๋Ÿฌ ์œ ๋‹ˆ์–ธ ํƒ€์ž…์ด ๋งŒ๋“ค์–ด์ง€๋Š” ๊ฒƒ์„ ๋ฐฐ์› ๋‹ค.
  2. Exclude<T, K> ๋ถ€๋ถ„์—์„œ K๊ฐ€ ์œ ๋‹ˆ์–ธ์—์„œ ํ•œ๊ฐ€์ง€๋กœ ์ •ํ•ด์ง„ ๊ตฌ์ฒด์ ์ธ ํƒ€์ž…์œผ๋กœ์„œ ํ™œ์šฉ ๊ฐ€๋Šฅํ•˜๋‹ค๋Š” ๊ฒƒ์„ ๋ฐฐ์› ๋‹ค.

Solution by dev-hobin #32401

type Permutation<T, U = T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : T extends any ? [T, ...Permutation<Exclude<U, T>>] : [];

Solution by kai-phan #31639

// your answers
type Permutation<T, K = T> = [T] extends [never]
  ? []
  : K extends K
  ? [K, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, K>>]
  : never;

Solution by AhmedRagabKamal #31511

type Permutation<T, U = T> = [ T ] extends [ never ]
  ? []
  : (
    U extends T
      ? [ U, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, U>> ]
      : []

Solution by jbalancer #31173

// ไฝ ็š„็ญ”ๆกˆ
type Permutation<T, K = T> =
  [T] extends [never]
    ? []
    : T extends T
      ? [T, ...Permutation<Exclude<K, T>>]
      : never;

Solution by d1zzzzy #31145

type Permutation<T, K = T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : T extends any ? [T, ...Permutation<Exclude<K, T>>] : []

Solution by kai-phan #30348


type Permutation<T, U = T> = [T] extends [never]
  ? []
  : (T extends U
    ? [T, ...Permutation<Exclude<U, T>>]
    : [])

Solution by 1587315093 #29930

type Possible = string | number | bigint | boolean | null | undefined

type Permutation<T, K extends Array<unknown> = []> = {
  [P in T as P extends Possible ? `${P}` : never]: Exclude<T, P> extends never ? [...K, P] : Permutation<Exclude<T, P>, [...K, P]>
} extends Record<any, infer U>
  ? U extends {}
    ? U
    : []
  : never

Solution by agus-wesly #29789

type Permutation<T, K=T> = 
    [T] extends [never] 
      ? []
      : K extends K
        ? [K, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, K>>] 
        : []

Solution by MohammadArasteh #29409

type Permutation<T, K = T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : T extends K ?  [T, ...Permutation<Exclude<K, T>>] : never 


  1. When comparing a union type to never in generic types, the result of T extends never (when T is never) would always be never because there is no member in the union can be distrubted over. Hence, use straight brackets on both sides of extends to escape the distributive behavior.
  2. The second param K in Permutation is to reserve the original union type so we can use Exclude on it against the distrubuted member T in Exclude<K, T>
  3. An example of how Permutation works:
// example
Permutation<'A' | 'B' | 'C'>

// step 1
['A', ...Permutation<'B' | 'C'>] | 
['B', ...Permutation<'A' | 'C'>] | 
['C', ...Permutation<'A' | 'B'>]

// step 2, in a recursive call, computing the second item in the above arraies
['B', ...Permutation<'C'>] | 
['C', ...Permutation<'B'>] |
// ...omiting the rest for ['B', ...Permutation<'A' | 'C'>] | ['C', ...Permutation<'A' | 'B'>]

// step 3
['C' | ...Permutation<never>] | 
['B' | ...Permutation<never>] |
// ...omiting the rest 

// step 4
['A', 'B', 'C'] |
['A', 'C', 'B'] |
// ...omiting the rest 

Solution by qianzhong516 #28941

type Permutation<T, U = T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : T extends U ? [T, ...Permutation<Exclude<U, T>>] : [];

Solution by kai-phan #28838

type Permutation<T, C = T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : T extends unknown ? [T, ...Permutation<Exclude<C, T>>] : []

Solution by hajeonghun #28825

type Permutation<T, Copy = T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : T extends T ? [T, ...Permutation<Exclude<Copy, T>>] : [];

Solution by DoubleWoodLin #28614

    type Permutation<T, K = T> = [T] extends [never]
        ? []
        : K extends K
        ? [K, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, K>>]
        : never;

Solution by de-novo #28556

type Permutation<T, U = T> = [U] extends [never]
  ? []
  : T extends U
  ? [T, ...Permutation<Exclude<U, T>>]
  : [];

Solution by flt3150sk #28540

type Permutation<Union, Item=Union> =
  [Union] extends [never] ? [] :
    Item extends Item ?
    [Item, ...Permutation<Exclude<Union, Item>>] :

thanks to help ๐Ÿ™

Solution by maximallain #28343

type IsBooleanExact<T> = boolean extends T ? true : false;
type IsNever<T> = [T] extends [never] ? true : false;

type Permutation<T, K = T> = 
  IsBooleanExact<T> extends true 
    ? [false, true] | [true, false] 
    : IsNever<T> extends true 
      ? [] 
      : T extends unknown
        ? [T, ...Permutation<Exclude<K, T>>]
        : never;

Solution by viktor-sakhno-saritasa #27671

type Permutation<T, K = T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : K extends K ? [K, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, K>>] : never;

Solution by jjswifty #27473

This one was a really difficult one!

The thing is, it is conceptually quite easy. But the syntax of the conditional types in Typescript is what made it quite challenging for me. Let me explain:

type DistributiveConditionalType<UnionType> = UnionType extends any ? UnionType : never

What you are looking at above is a generic type that takes a union type (e.g. '1' | '2' | '3') and returns the same union type. But how does it do it?

In the answer of the conditional type (following the question mark), UnionType DOES NO LONGER REFER to the union type as a whole but rather only one of its constituent literal types. Namely, '1', '2' or '3'. So, what happens if we want, as part of our conditional typing, to use the union type itself?

This is exactly the challenge here in my opinion. And as much as I did try to use a pseudo generic type for it equating it to the union type. I did not manage to do it in the elegant way shown in other solutions.

My solution was more lengthy which I would like to share below.

type Exclude<U, L> = U extends L ? never : U // Exclude a literal type from a union type

// This is an auxiliary generic type I introduced to solve the problem
type PermutatorCore<U, U2, T extends any[]> = // U2 here is passed the same type as U
  U extends any ? // Now U becomes distributive, U2 still refers to the union type
    Permutation<Exclude<U2, U>, [...T, U]> : never

type Permutation<U, T extends any[] = []> = 
  [U] extends [never] ? [...T] : 
    PermutatorCore<U, U, [...T]> // Utilise the generic type above to pass U twice as U and U2

Solution by diraneyya #26995

/* _____________ Your Code Here _____________ */

type Permutation<U, C = U> = [U] extends [never] ? [] : U extends C ? [U, ...Permutation<Exclude<C, U>>] : never;

Solution by phinixsdsd #26894

type GA<S, T = S> = S extends any ? ([T] extends [infer R] ? [S, ...(GA<Exclude<R, S>> extends never ? [] : GA<Exclude<R, S>>)] : []) : []

type Permutation<T> = GA<T> extends never ? [] : GA<T>

Solution by Acoooooooer #26783

type Permutation<T, K = T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : K extends K ? [K, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, K>>] : never

Solution by smileboyi #26746

type MyExclude<T, K> = T extends K ? never : T;

type Permutation<T, K = T> = [T] extends [never] ?
	[] : K extends any ? 
    [K, ...Permutation<MyExclude<T, K>>] : 

Solution by 8471919 #26005

type Permutation<T, K = T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : K extends K ? [K, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, K>>] : never;

Solution by kakasoo #25842

// your answers
type Permutation<T, I = T> = [T] extends never[] ? [] : I extends infer R ? [R, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, R>>] : [];

Solution by CheolMinBae #24542

// your answers
type Permutation<T, K=T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : K extends any ? [K, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, K>>] : []

Solution by hhk9292 #24541

type Permutation<T, U = T> = [T] extends [never] ? [] : U extends T ? [U , ...Permutation<Exclude<T, U>>]  : never;

Solution by jsujeong #24532

// https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/conditional-types.html#distributive-conditional-types
type Permutation<T, Cur = T> = [ T ] extends [ never ]
  ? []
  : Cur extends any
    ? [ Cur, ...Permutation<Exclude<T, Cur>> ]
    : never

Solution by tokyo9pm #24497